Sleep for herpes cure
Increase your Amount of Sleep for herpes cure The first thing you need to do is take a look at how much sleep you’re getting. Sleep is a major factor in your immune system, and you may be suffering from sleep deficiency without even realizing it. Doctors suggest nightly sleep in-between 8 and 10 hours. For many of us, because of our hectic demanding lives, we neglect sleep and even view it as a hindrance, with many busy professionals sleeping nightly between 3-6 hours.
If you increase your sleep to the recommended amount, you may notice your herpes symptoms entirely disappear.
Here are some ways to increase how much you’re sleeping:
- Leave work at the office: turn your phone to “airplane mode” after 8 PM
at night. If you’re a doctor being woken up for emergency calls, I guess
there’s not much you can do short of retiring. But even so, you might be
able to find a way to fit in cat-naps.
- Avoid pharmaceuticals like Ambien (known to turn people into
sleepwalking zombies) and opt for Valerian root tea which is an age old
insomnia remedy.
- Begin a “wind down” period nightly. An hour before you sleep, cut off
electronics and other media to give your mind a chance to unwind.
- It’s often easier to go to bed very early, and wake up with extra time before you go to work than to try and squeeze household duties in before sleep, as this may just keep you up. By increasing the amount of sleep you’re getting, your immune system may just increase enough that the herpes virus is no longer able to come out of hiding.